How do you stay busy at a retirement community in Idaho Falls? You can participate in activities, as well as interact socially with other residents.
One of the most effective ways to stay busy is to take up a hobby. Research indicates older adults who enjoy a hobby tend to boost their mental health, as well as resist the onset of medical conditions that affect seniors such as arthritis and osteoporosis.
Let’s review six hobbies for seniors that you can enjoy at our senior living center in Idaho Fall.
Participating in organized sports is a great way to develop camaraderie with other residents, as well as improve your physical skill set. Team sports offer the opportunity for you to combat the health risks associated with common conditions such as obesity and heart disease. Some of the most popular sports for older adults include golf, squash, and swimming.
Fitness Activities
Maybe organized sports is not your thing, but that does not mean you have to live a sedentary lifestyle. You can participate in physical fitness activities that vary in workout intensity. One of the most popular types of physical activities enjoyed by the residents of our assisted living facility is yoga, which also is a great way to enhance your mental health. Other fitness activities to consider include cycling and hiking.
There is not a more relaxing hobby for seniors than gardening. You also gain an incredible sense of accomplishment by nurturing seeds into transforming into tall plants. Gardening gives you the flexibility to grow a wide variety of plants and flowers to match your personal preferences in both design and functionality. This hobby is known for reducing stress levels in people of all ages, as well as helping you remain physically fit. Above all, you increase your self-sufficiency by growing nutritious food.
Cooking a meal from scratch by using fresh ingredients generates a high level of accomplishment. It also represents a great way to get together with friends and family members. Although cooking is effective at ensuring you follow a healthy diet, it also can enhance your mental health both cognitively and emotionally. You can learn cooking skills on your own by reading recipes or by taking a few cooking classes held at a retirement community in Idaho Falls.
Get Musical
You do not have to read a study that extolls the mental health benefits of listening to music. However, you might be surprised at the mental health benefits enjoyed by seniors who take up the hobby of learning how to play a musical instrument. It does not matter whether you attack a drum set or tap the keys on a piano, learning how to play a musical instrument is an effective way to prevent the decline of cognitive skills.
Nothing is as soothing as closing your eyes and listening to birds sing their morning songs. That is, if you do not include the sense of vision in the morning routine. Birdwatching is a great way to enjoy the great outdoors, while not having to travel far from our assisted living facility in Idaho Falls. You can watch birds with your eyes or enhance the experience by accessing a pair of binoculars. In addition, you can soak up a little beneficial vitamin D in the process.The mission “to honor, to value, to invest” remains the core value at our assisted living facility in Idaho Falls. Discover what we have to offer in Idaho Falls by scheduling a tour today of our senior living center.